Matt Hawk was recently awarded the Accredited Rural Appraiser (ARA) designation from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. An ARA conducts valuation work on a wide range of property types that exist in rural parts of the country. These properties are often among the most complex properties from a valuation standpoint and require a sophisticated valuation expert to properly appraise them. An ARA has demonstrated through course work, experience, work review, and a comprehensive exam that they have the expertise required for these complex valuation assignments. Mr. Hawk’s experience with rural properties includes agricultural land, conservation easements, hog farms, and poultry houses. In addition to his ARA designation, he has his MAI designation through the Appraisal Institute.
Mr. Hawk’s new designation demonstrates his commitment to going above and beyond the minimum requirements of the appraisal profession to provide our clients with the highest quality work.